Raising the awareness of a mental health and addiction treatment center in Southern California - The Hoyt Organization

Raising the awareness of a mental health and addiction treatment center in Southern California

When a family of treatment centers wanted to raise the awareness of two of their mental health and addiction treatment centers, they turned to THO to broaden their brand. THO worked closely with management and its partner facilities to generate a broad range of coverage for the brand and its key executives, highlighting its leadership in behavioral… Continue reading Raising the awareness of a mental health and addiction treatment center in Southern California

How PR can shape the mental health conversation

Despite the fact that mental health disorders are rising in prevalence around the world and will cost the global economy 16 trillion by 2030, mental and behavioral health services are frequently stigmatized. In stark contrast, Millennials ranked mental health issues as their number one concern in this year’s annual health report by Blue Cross Blue… Continue reading How PR can shape the mental health conversation

Intern Advice for Rocking an Internship

Communicating to a larger audience requires strong organization and time management whether you’re doing media outreach, trying to manage social media, or boost attendance for an event. Part of being a successful communicator is being aware of, and knowing how to correctly use, the tools that are available to reach a large audience. Whether you are new to media management or unsure of the available tools, we have complied a list of our top Five programs to fill out your tool belt.

Five Best Apps to Assist Your Media Management

Communicating to a larger audience requires strong organization and time management whether you’re doing media outreach, trying to manage social media, or boost attendance for an event. Part of being a successful communicator is being aware of, and knowing how to correctly use, the tools that are available to reach a large audience. Whether you are new to media management or unsure of the available tools, we have complied a list of our top Five programs to fill out your tool belt.

Ten Ways to Promote Workplace Health and Wellness

Health and wellness is key for employees to be happy and productive. Sitting at a desk all day can be draining and is not usually conducive to a healthy lifestyle. Our team tested out some of these small changes and we were able to improve the overall health and wellness in our office. We encourage… Continue reading Ten Ways to Promote Workplace Health and Wellness

PTSD Awareness Day

Communicating to a larger audience requires strong organization and time management whether you’re doing media outreach, trying to manage social media, or boost attendance for an event. Part of being a successful communicator is being aware of, and knowing how to correctly use, the tools that are available to reach a large audience. Whether you are new to media management or unsure of the available tools, we have complied a list of our top Five programs to fill out your tool belt.

The Five Proven Benefits of Meditation in the Workplace

Meditating offers an abundance of benefits. It can be especially helpful in a workplace setting. Mindfulness and meditation help to bring your attention inwards. Through focusing on the present and noting any thoughts mediation can help you understand yourself better. Our agency recently had the privilege of inviting in a meditation expert to lead our… Continue reading The Five Proven Benefits of Meditation in the Workplace

Five ways to destress in a stress-inducing industry

Every industry has stress factors, and public relations isn’t immune to this problem. In fact, public relations is ranked as one of the most stressful industries to work in! This can be attributed to the competitive, creative, deadline driven nature of the work. Here are a few tips on how to make a stressful job… Continue reading Five ways to destress in a stress-inducing industry