digital and social Media Strategies

Building Meaningful Connections Digital and Social Media

Building Meaningful Connections

THO combines powerful social media tools with solid PR strategies to boost your reach with influencers, clients and prospects. We leverage popular social networks and smart digital content to build your audience, promote engagement, position you as an industry thought leader and drive your business to the next level.

Getting Social

Building Your Presence Where It Counts

In today’s environment, having a social media presence is a cost of entry to your business markets. That is true whether your program includes a paid advertising component or whether it relies entirely on free content.

Your social media program should be an integral part of your branding and communications strategy. It should reflect your company’s image, culture and mission, and it should speak to your audience in a voice consistent with your communications approach.

From lead generation campaigns on LinkedIn to highly visual influencer campaigns on Instagram and TikTok, THO has got you covered. We select the social media platforms best suited to your goals, develop a positioning strategy and execute your social media program.

At THO, we build your digital footprint to your needs. Do you want to

  • Initiate a dialog with your customers?
  • Grow your business community?
  • Be seen by new prospects?
  • Reach influencers?
  • Build relationships with your stakeholders?
  • Develop new leads?
  • Sell a product or service?

Setting Goals

Selling Your Company or a Product

Social media can be a results-driven strategy for your company and your sales efforts. As a tool that expands your digital footprint, social media gives companies a unique opportunity to tell their story in a way that other resources such as company brochures and websites just can’t.

At THO, we are experts at creating content that helps you connect with your customers, clients, business partners and team members in an engaging and personalized way. We will help you to build and maintain a consistent and compelling presence that enhances your branding and your reputation. If your objective is to sell your company services or products, we will also guide you through the various paid media options that will deliver business to your door.

Digiital Marketing Goals The Hoyt Organization

Content is King

Delivering Your Story

THO offers innovative digital and social media strategies executed with the valuable content your audience is seeking. With a clear focus on what you want to achieve, THO will develop a content calendar and curate original content designed for the greatest impact and reach. We use different social media channels to deliver specific company news, event updates and stories of interest to the community that matter to your business. We tie in your media and public relations efforts to fully integrate your branding and communications strategy. We audit and monitor your pages to ensure you are reaching the right audience and leveraging the best time slots for peak engagement. We also offer online community management, responding to questions and comments and elevating them to management’s attention when required.

We are laser-focused on delivering the right story at the right time. The result? An integrated outreach plan that reaches your goals.

Social Media Advertising

Integrated Programs That Achieve Results

Social media can be one of the most cost-effective advertising tools available, primarily because it allows a company to target messages with a laser-focused edge. As an example, THO helped a company geotarget its message on LinkedIn to specific geographic territories where it knew its potential customers were located. This allowed the company to see who they were reaching and track their engagement with the specific audience they wanted to reach.

When you are ready to monetize your social media presence, THO can help you drive clicks and generate conversions and quality leads. We will support your program with in-depth analytics and meaningful reporting to inform your decision making.

Digital Marketing Social Media Advertising The Hoyt Organization

Gaining Influence

Tapping into the Influencer Audience

Gaining Influence

Whether your business needs to reach the Yelp audience or a select group of industry influencers, THO’s integrated social media programs can put you in the spotlight.

In one case, we helped a restaurant build buzz on their new location by combining a PR campaign with a social media effort that attracted reviewers from more than 15 online and print publications and more than 150 Yelp reviewers to private tastings and grand opening events. Our launch program resulted in the buzz we were seeking as well as a large, positive review response on Yelp, and it helped the restaurant to attract first-time diners to its new location.

When a specialty contractor wanted to boost its recruitment and employee retention efforts, THO designed a multi-tiered effort of traditional and social media programs by securing profile features in leading publications and leveraging the credibility of those earned media placements in a social media campaign. The social media program resulted in a 42 percent increase in LinkedIn followers, a 35 percent increase in Facebook followers, and it generated multiple employment inquiries and increased positive social engagement among existing employees.

Dialing Into the Digital Age

Utilizing Digital Resources to Pack a Punch

THO utilizes an arsenal of digital tools to support social and traditional media outlets, from video to podcasts, blogs and guest articles on digital channels, we offer an integrated approach that aligns with your business goals and adds value to your brand narrative.

We offer substantive, meaningful and engaging content that connects with the audiences that are important to your business, whether you are a B2B or B2C company.

Dialing Into

The Power of Video

Looking to make an impact? Harness the power of video to captivate your audience. Videos create instant connections, delivering engaging and accessible content that’s essential for any communications strategy.
With our powerful video program, your message becomes dynamic and versatile, perfect for social media, websites, email campaigns, and presentations
Ready to make a lasting impact? Let’s create videos that leave a mark.



Social media can be used for a number of different objectives. The first step is deciding what you want to get out of your campaign. With your objectives in hand, we will design a plan and a content calendar that builds your brand, creates lasting relationships and drives sales.