Media Moment: KC Stanfield

KC Stanfield is a reporter with Crittenden Research, Inc., which publishes targeted real state publications, such as The Crittenden Report: Real Estate Financing, The Crittenden Retail Tenants Report, and Crittenden’s The Apartment Report. Q: What made you want to become a journalist? I initially wanted to go into video game journalism. I really liked the… Continue reading Media Moment: KC Stanfield

Media Moment: Gena Wynkoop

Gena Wynkoop is the Assistant Editor for Seattle Refined, lifestyle TV show on KOMO-TV. How did you get into journalism, specifically lifestyle-related topics happening in Seattle?   Growing up, I always knew that I wanted to write and I figured that journalism was probably the best avenue for me to tell stories.   Beyond that, I also have… Continue reading Media Moment: Gena Wynkoop

Media Moment: Therese Fitzgerald

Therese Fitzgerald is the Senior Editor for Commercial Property Executive and Multi-Housing News. How did you get into real estate journalism, specifically in the CRE space? Were you always interested in the subject? Years ago, I responded to a job listing for a business writer at a weekly newspaper in New York. The topic turned… Continue reading Media Moment: Therese Fitzgerald