Essential Skills For Great Leaders and PR Professionals

Essential Skills For Great Leaders And PR Professionals

Great leaders know their weaknesses and their strengths. They are humble, have credibility and are authentic. They also possess soft skills that encourage open communication, interaction within the organization and inspire teams to work together towards a shared goal.  Soft skills refer to personal attributes and interpersonal skills that allow someone to interact and work… Continue reading Essential Skills For Great Leaders And PR Professionals

Female leadership and PR: What have they in common?

By Alessandra Malvermi – Sound Public Relations The most recent research studies on leadership share the image of a future increasingly characterized by skills that have socially and historically belonged to the females. The old “command-economy” mentality by Henry Ford is now outdated and overtaken by the modern working organization, inspired by values such as active… Continue reading Female leadership and PR: What have they in common?

How to Be a Thought Leader in the Healthcare Space

During this pandemic, many professionals have stood out as thought leaders in the healthcare space to provide insight into the coronavirus. The entire world is looking for answers to the coronavirus and reporters are leaning toward doctors, researchers, and COVID-19 test suppliers for an explanation. Whether thought leaders focus on COVID-19 antibody tests or a… Continue reading How to Be a Thought Leader in the Healthcare Space