Design and Architecture Public Relations Los Angeles Public Relations The Hoyt Organization.

Design and Architecture Public Relations

Design and architecture go hand in hand. Each architectural era features a slew of new building designs with interesting design interiors. Many construction projects garner media attention, which is great news from a public relations perspective.

However, very few design and architecture firms leverage the business value that more recognition and media attention can bring to the table. Read on to learn why public relations play a critical role in this industry.

About Public Relations For Design and Architecture Firms

By investing in public relations, design and architecture firms will benefit not only their own companies but also those associated with the project.

Construction workers, builders, contractors the architect and the people who will eventually occupy the building will all get credit for their great taste in architecture. When it comes down to it, the ability to build a great reputation over years of experience in your specific industry is a sure-fire way to get to the top.

Designing a beautiful building opens up multiple PR opportunities for both designers and architects. It gives them a chance to portray what their company is all about and communicate with potential clients.

Here are a handful of ways in which your company can do just that:

–       Media coverage throughout various stages of your project development.

–       Press opportunities in trade publications if the project in question serves a particular industry.

–       Recognition through awards if the building stands out in terms of energy conservation or certain environmental benefits.

–       Reuse of project photography on your company’s website or social media channels.

–       The creation of case studies that can be issued to future clients and loaded onto your website.

The traditional structure of design and architecture firms doesn’t often lend itself to in-house PR roles. So, hiring an external PR consultancy would be your best option. PR professionals can help to ensure that the above-mentioned publicity opportunities are taken advantage of. This will allow you to concentrate on what you truly love to do.

Why Design and Architecture Firms Need PR

No man is an island, and with all the help available to you, you certainly shouldn’t be! With a PR professional at your side, you will finally be able to ensure that your company gets the recognition that it truly deserves.

Here are three reasons why your design or architecture firms need to hire a PR professional.

Stand Out From The Crowd

A PR professional who has been in the media game for a while will be able to pinpoint what differentiates you from the competition. This might seem like a trivial detail to you, or you might think that it is obvious. However, it is how you leverage this fact that will help you to truly stand out.

To a lot of people that don’t know your industry as well as you do, one industry firm might look identical to another. If you are able to explain to potential customers why they should choose your firm, you are more likely to win over clients.

How does one do this? By telling your company’s unique story every chance you get and making an emotional connection with your audience.

Become a Thought Leader in the Industry

A great PR firm can help your company to position itself as a thought-leader in the architectural and design industry. This is a prime place to be. Clients often seek out who they perceive to be the best in the business to ensure a high-quality end product.

Remember, every client is unique, but they still have their similarities. In the end, they all have a problem that needs fixing. A great PR firm will be able to convince them that you are the answer to that problem.

Blogs, awards, interviews, social media, and press releases can all point to your company’s industry knowledge. This will help you to establish trust with potential clients. Transparency is key, especially if you factor in the completed successful projects you’ve completed in recent years. When it is time to select an architectural firm, you will be the first firm they call!

Crisis Management

As with any company, media crises often arise at the most inconvenient times. When hiring a PR firm, you can rest assured that they will be more than capable of handling any crisis that can potentially harm your reputation and brand.

From lawsuits to misunderstood commentary, an experienced PR professional will be able to craft sincere responses that accurately portray the heart and soul of your company.

Not being prepared if a crisis should strike is a risky situation that most long-standing companies simply won’t take a chance on.

In a Nutshell

All design and architecture firms should have an experienced and reliable public relations team on hand. Not only are they great at leveraging media opportunities, but they are also able to calm raging storms should a crisis arise.

Leeza Hoyt

~Leeza Hoyt