Recent Google Core Update: What Is Helpful Content?

Google has unveiled a major update to its search algorithms and policies. This update is aimed squarely at addressing the issue of spammy and low-quality content that sometimes appears in its search engine results. Known as the March 2024 Core Update, this update is more comprehensive than the typical updates Google periodically rolls out. It… Continue reading Recent Google Core Update: What Is Helpful Content?

How Search Generative Experience Will Change Digital Marketing

While SEO constantly changes, what we’re now seeing with AI feels like we’ve entered a different ball game altogether. The change rate is substantially higher than the typical rate digital marketers are used to. This is especially true when we consider the core aspects of SEO – content creation and optimization. Google is the industry… Continue reading How Search Generative Experience Will Change Digital Marketing

Does Your Beauty And Skincare PR Strategy Need A Makeover - The Hoyt Organization

Does Your Beauty And Skincare PR Strategy Need A Makeover?

The beauty and skincare industry is changing. Not so long ago, women couldn’t wait to visit their favorite stores to purchase their must-have beauty products due to the pandemic. Now, however, more and more people shop online. These types of changes in consumer behavior mean that your beauty brand’s old marketing strategies may not be… Continue reading Does Your Beauty And Skincare PR Strategy Need A Makeover?