How Public Relations Can Globally Influence Support for Ukraine

How Public Relations Can Globally Influence Support for Ukraine

The war in Ukraine has been raging on for over one month now, and it seems like there is no end in sight. However, with the help of public relations professionals, maybe we can start to turn the tide and gather more public support for Ukraine. Public relations (PR) campaigns can be used to build… Continue reading How Public Relations Can Globally Influence Support for Ukraine

Combining Digital Marketing and Public Relations For Success

Have you been wondering about the effectiveness of your company’s marketing strategies? In our ever-changing technical landscape, marketing techniques continue to become integrated. Digital media has become an essential tactic. Many businesses have found success combining public relations and digital marketing strategies. In this article, we will show you how to combine the best of… Continue reading Combining Digital Marketing and Public Relations For Success

How to Find Micro-Influencers That Match Your Brand - Social Media - Digital Marketing - The Hoyt Organization

How to Find Micro-Influencers That Match Your Brand

By Lauren Reed – Reed Public Relations  Working with influencers is like braving the wild, wild west. Without any specific guidelines or code of ethics, each brand-influencer partnership is unique and can result in really great coverage, really awful coverage or something in between.  With each passing year, influencer trends shift dramatically, too. The of-the-moment Instagram… Continue reading How to Find Micro-Influencers That Match Your Brand