The Importance Of Authorship In Travel Brand Content

Google’s Helpful Content Update has changed how we approach SEO and impacted many travel sites positively and negatively. This update emphasizes creating people-first content that satisfies users’ curiosity. This means that paraphrased, unoriginal travel content written for search engine bots, not real people, is now obsolete. The E-E-A-T guidelines (Experience, Expertise, Authoritativeness, and Trustworthiness) are… Continue reading The Importance Of Authorship In Travel Brand Content

5 Reasons To Have A Business Blog - Public Relations - SEO - Marketing - The Hoyt Organization

5 Reasons Why You Need A Blog For Your Company

There are millions of websites and brands out there trying to reach the same customers and clients that you are. So, what sets your website apart from the others? If we have learned anything from 2020, it is that online marketing is more important than ever before. As people were locked in their homes, online… Continue reading 5 Reasons Why You Need A Blog For Your Company

It Takes More Than an Optimised Press Release to Hit the SEO Mark

By Lynn Erasmus – HWB Communications  In today’s world, savvy PR pros need to be more than just good writers, they need to be knowledgeable about what constitutes optimised digital platforms and they must know how to manage the interaction between these platforms to maximise the chances of achieving the best possible SEO ranking. Two of… Continue reading It Takes More Than an Optimised Press Release to Hit the SEO Mark