The Essential Email Marketing Guide for Higher Education

In fall 2023, the university enrollment rate increased for the first time since the pandemic hit. While this is good news for universities, institutions now must consider how to attract students, given the ever-changing student base. How can your intuition stay ahead of the pack and reach potential students? The answer is targeted email marketing… Continue reading The Essential Email Marketing Guide for Higher Education

Effective Communication Strategies For Mental Health Advocacy

Mental health advocacy campaigns are crucial in educating the public, reducing stigma, and promoting access to professional help. These campaigns are especially useful today as mental health disorders are on the rise worldwide. However, despite this uptick in mental health disorders, mental health services are still stigmatized, leading to people shying away from seeking help.… Continue reading Effective Communication Strategies For Mental Health Advocacy

Build Your Brand With Effective Storytelling

In this digital age, consumers are in complete control of the information they consume. It has become increasingly challenging to appeal to consumers with traditional and interruptive marketing methods like ads and sales pitches. How can you make sure your brand stands out in a sea of competition? The answer lies in the power of… Continue reading Build Your Brand With Effective Storytelling

How Branding And SEO Work Together

Branding and SEO have a symbiotic relationship that markets must take advantage of to experience the full benefit of each. When used together, branding and SEO create an effective marketing strategy. This can drive organic growth, increase visibility, and strengthen customer loyalty and trust. Ultimately, using these two strategies together leads to tremendous success in… Continue reading How Branding And SEO Work Together

Persuade Public Opinion With The Right Attitude - The Hoyt Organization

Persuade Public Opinion With The Right Attitude

Public opinion can make or break your company’s brand. So how exactly can you persuade public opinion to better understand your company? The answer lies in having the right attitude. How you treat your customers and how you handle both the highs and lows that your company experiences say a lot about the kind of… Continue reading Persuade Public Opinion With The Right Attitude

How PR can shape the mental health conversation

Despite the fact that mental health disorders are rising in prevalence around the world and will cost the global economy 16 trillion by 2030, mental and behavioral health services are frequently stigmatized. In stark contrast, Millennials ranked mental health issues as their number one concern in this year’s annual health report by Blue Cross Blue… Continue reading How PR can shape the mental health conversation